Breadwinner ESFJ

Extroversion - dominant, heading away, straightforward, decisive
Sensing - practical, skilful, traditional, detailed
Feeling - caring, generous, sensitive, nursing
Judging - organised, structured, decisive, persistent

13 %

In the entire population Breadwinner accounts for 13%

What profession best suits you?

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Once you have completed the test, apart from the list of professions, we will show you which persons in the world had or have the same typology as you do.

Basic characteristics:

  • Nice and compassionate with others
  • Entertaining
  • Highly organised
  • Practical
  • Loyal
  • They enjoy helping others
  • Self-giving
  • Reliable
  • Seeking approval

Typology description - Breadwinner

It is stated that this type is the most sociable one. They have a tendency to idealise anyone who is right now in the centre of their favour. This group represents around 13 % of the population. Their gentle and caring character accompanies them beyond the horizon of their own needs to the service to others. They can be perceptive to both factual and human details of a situation. They examine specific external impulses, information, data, news etc. internally, through a state which these raise in them. Their activities are well organised. Men of this type have a far lower need to be firm in the saddle, to keep a tight rein, and to have anything on their command, especially if this would be at the expense of the needs and desires of others.

Breadwinners (hereinafter ESFJ) usually emanate friendship, affection and kind care. They are great hosts at which everyone is feeling well, and this is not only because for most of the time they remember instantly what is your name and what you like. They are attentive towards the needs of others, and they never regret the efforts made to satisfy them. They honour traditions in the best sense of the word; they are people who never forget your birthdays or other important days.

What hurts them is the lack of interest of others, and from their surroundings they require appreciation and affirmation of their popularity. They pay attention to the face people have, how they look, and they make firm judgement about others based on social norms. If isolated from people, they feel like they are in prison.

For their sense of duties and order they sometimes remind ESTJ; however, the reasons which lie behind this are different. ESTJ have logical and objective motives, independent of interpersonal relationships, and sometimes perhaps even against them. The reasons of ESFJ are personal, private, always marked by relationship towards this person who is involved in the issue. Their self-respect stems from what those whom they care about think about them.

What they try to achieve is that their acting and life are clear examples of a good relation towards others, that they are good parents, neighbours, employees etc. ESFJ who adopt the pleasure to enjoy that their surrounding is accepting them for who they are and not only because what they do they do correctly and selflessly, will find out that they are able, if needed, to divert from opinions and evaluation of others, and to be more themselves. This brings them the ability not to let themselves be hurt by criticism of others, to accept it as an advice on how to avoid mistakes in the future.

The weakness of both ESFJ and ENFJ is, for example, the aversion to complex logical analyses that require careful and laborious precision. If this more rational side is neglected by them, in stressful situations they can unexpectedly explode in a form of strong blows of criticism, often illogical, inconsistent, irrational and many times also unfair. Underdeveloped and unsophisticated thinking can cause them unconditionally accept some ideology or a system of ideologies as a whole without deeper understanding.

What profession best suits you?

Emiero personality test will reveal it to you. The longer test you do, the more precise answer you get.

Precise test 60 questions Quick test 20 questions

Once you have completed the test, apart from the list of professions, we will show you which persons in the world had or have the same typology as you do.