Architect INTP

Introversion - independent, self-reliant, restrained, calm
iNtuition - innovative, visionary, thinking in the future, courageous
Thinking - logical, factual, pragmatical, rational
Perceiving - unbiased, adaptable, spontaneous, unstable

1 %

In the entire population Architect accounts for 1%

What profession best suits you?

Emiero personality test will reveal it to you. The longer test you do, the more precise answer you get.

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Once you have completed the test, apart from the list of professions, we will show you which persons in the world had or have the same typology as you do.

Basic characteristics:

  • Quiet, reserved, meditative
  • They like theoretical thinking
  • Are flexible and tolerant
  • Very logical and factual
  • Good in thinking out of established customs

Typology description - Architect

Architects (hereinafter INTP) are sometimes perceived as people who are understood with difficulty and who are not easy to be comprehended. INTP are architects of new thoughts and systems. INTP are indeed a rare type since they account for only one percent of population. Because they love elegant theories they can veer to reductionism. Once they have adopted certain knowledge and accepted it as their own they will never forget it. They are obsessed with analysis. Compared to ISTP they are capable of highly intellectual using irrespective of whether the analysis brings them or anyone else an immediate benefit.

Logics of things is for them logics and it does not relate in any way to ethics or human feelings. The truth has no moral dimension for them. Such feature of their character may sometimes cause a hostile or defence reaction, and INTP win a reputation of arrogant and uninterested persons without emotions and respects.

A real truth must be known at any price is their credo. How we deal with the truth later is another question. The world exists for them mainly to be known. Reality is just a triviality that offers us ideas and suggestions. INTP are logicians, mathematicians, physicists or philosophers. That is why they are interested in each possibility how to organise thoughts into meaningful structures which better describe the essence of the world. However, it should not be expected that INFP apply this knowledge in life. The nature of their works is utterly abstract which is why no first place is ascribed to them for their works. Appreciation of their work often comes posthumously.

As introverts, INTP are not very popular but they do not strive for it. They rather work alone, in silence, without interruptions and disturbances by anyone and for any reason. If the talent of these people is to be used effectively they need a supporting team around them which takes over their ideas and thoughts as soon as they appear, long before INTP lose their interest and start to dedicate to something else.

They are doing well where there is a willingness to tolerate their introvert character and where there is no spirit and culture of meticulous people. Their peculiarities are better tolerated by men than women. Compared to women, men of this type suffer smaller social sensitivity and they commit 'embarrassments' which they hardly come to realise. They have a tendency to avoid social events and once they appear there they talk only to a few people with corresponding intellectual level.
Among the strengths of INTP are independence of their own thinking as well as the support which they provide in this respect to others. The ability to come with an idea and to know to think it over in all aspects seems in their eyes to be the sign of real maturity of mind. Many elegant mathematical theories and physical laws, from theory of relativity to different theories of personalities, from evolution to thermodynamics was born in heads of INTP, even though their known and accessible form for general public could have been processed by someone else.

Should INTP be unsettled they can resort to defence, to be tragic, fearsome, over-sensitive and hysterical, reluctant, stubborn and touchy. They can avoid people and the whole world and completely retreat. Rather than reality the feelings and imaginations can be reflected in them. Consequently they are in danger that as long as the facts, data and reality do not correspond with their theories and opinions they ignore them.

Their impersonal orientation may be manifested in many forms, from shyness to antisocial attitudes or behaviour. As for the former, we can be dealing with naive or socially awkward people who are self-absorbed. As for the latter, it concerns non-communicative isolated nerds, indifferently ignoring daily concerns, but who are easy to be used for different ideologies.

In the domain of interpersonal relations they can be black-and-white, a classic manifestation of primitive feeling. They may not infer what others feel, and usually it must be said to them in plain English. Which is why they can experience that they manifest themselves towards the needs and desires of others thoughtlessly and insensitively.

What profession best suits you?

Emiero personality test will reveal it to you. The longer test you do, the more precise answer you get.

Precise test 60 questions Quick test 20 questions

Once you have completed the test, apart from the list of professions, we will show you which persons in the world had or have the same typology as you do.