Visionary ENTP

Extroversion - dominant, heading away, straightforward, decisive
iNtuition - innovative, visionary, thinking in the future, courageous
Thinking - logical, factual, pragmatical, rational
Perceiving - unbiased, adaptable, spontaneous, unstable

5 %

In the entire population Visionary accounts for 5%

What profession best suits you?

Emiero personality test will reveal it to you. The longer test you do, the more precise answer you get.

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Once you have completed the test, apart from the list of professions, we will show you which persons in the world had or have the same typology as you do.

Basic characteristics:

  • Innovative
  • Very creative, full of ideas
  • Excellent raconteurs
  • They like to talk with people about different topics
  • They emphasize the knowledge
  • They do not like plans and routines
  • Are good at leading others
  • Do not like to be controlled
  • Are very logical

Typology description - Visionary

Approximately 5 % of visionaries (hereinafter ENTP) can be found in the population. ENTP are able to reveal linkages and connections that nobody has noticed before them. Their character is prone to quick idealistic outbursts. They are capable to produce more solutions than it is possible or tolerable to carry out. ENTP do not want to abandon their ideas for no reason, and usually are neither able nor willing to yield them to anyone. Once they start some project or activity, they are able to immerse in it completely and to stop thinking in anything else. When a certain activity really absorbs them, and ENTP are prone to it, they can forget about their physical needs and comfort completely, can struggle and survive on smoked meats or other poor-value food, neglect hygiene as well as their surroundings, until they really hurt themselves or take the job to certain final level.

They are doing really well when they have to deal with challenging tasks the solution of which requires ingenuity and improvisation. They are excellent analysts and are thriving on challenging and complex situations. For others they are also a source of inspiration and their enthusiasm is infectious. Once they have really assailed their task, they are, so to say, so much 'in love' and so much confident of correctness of their action that their ability to ignore norms, established procedures, traditions and authorities is more than disarming. However, with each other repetition of the same thing they want to have at least something new, some original piece. ENTP have the most diverse hobbies and knowledge in really unexpected areas. They do not share them with their surroundings. Their vitality is great; they love to enjoy life, they laugh and like to be in a society. They take interest in their circle of friends, their opinions, thoughts, ideas.

For ENTP it is not difficult to make a few enemies. Since they need to face challenges in order to keep the proper level of their own interest, they sometimes provoke others as well. Apart from the above mentioned inconstancy from one task to another, the tendency to untimely loss of interest as soon as the questions are resolved, ENTP should be aware of at least three things: The first one is the cultivation of their own reasoning. Many ENTP suffered the consequences of infeasible projects or they fell into disgrace by not completing things to their end. Secondly, since they are in a way rare they tend to occupy their mind with themselves and to have sometimes problems in relations to others. They interpret any accidental events and innocent statements in a negative way and as taken out of context. Thirdly, compulsive creativity is pushing them to present their ideas many times to in-appropriate people or in an unsuitable moment. It is difficult for them to wait a while, to tactically and diplomatically time the things. 'Good' ENTP are for most of the time irresistibly attractive for their surroundings because people can feel great energy emanating from them, which they managed to tame and direct in favour of objectives they work on.

What profession best suits you?

Emiero personality test will reveal it to you. The longer test you do, the more precise answer you get.

Precise test 60 questions Quick test 20 questions

Once you have completed the test, apart from the list of professions, we will show you which persons in the world had or have the same typology as you do.